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  • Writer's pictureMatthew Hillman

Reduce your maintenance costs with NetSuite

Updated: Apr 15

We’ve all heard the advantages of cloud computing: reduced IT costs without expensive, capital-intensive hardware and infrastructure, and no more time-consuming and staff-intensive upgrades. You pay as you go for your services including finance, human resources, sales, and production through a web browser!

Additionally cloud computing allows your company to benefit from increased employee productivity, easier to manage inventory, and improved reporting. It all adds up to make business operations much simpler, customers enjoy better satisfaction rates and increased sales that help improve your bottom line.

However, there are other less noticeable benefits of cloud computing that none-the-less contribute to overall efficiencies and cost savings. When compared to traditional, on-premises systems, cloud solutions provide savings in implementation, customisation, maintenance and upgrades.

Invest in growth, not maintenance

A cloud-based system means you can invest in growth rather than maintenance. Cloud computing is tried and trusted, with companies of all sizes running mission critical applications in the cloud. However, there is a growing shift in how cloud systems are being implemented, from a tactical, short-term investment profile to one that’s more strategic, longer term and transformational. This is enabled as more of your budget can be spent on improving your cloud implementation, rather than simply standing still and maintaining it.

Do more of what works and less of what doesn't

NetSuite is the number one cloud-based ERP solution and combines all the benefits of a traditional ERP system, together with the additional benefits of a cloud-solution. We always say that NetSuite will provide you with a single version of the truth, so you can concentrate on doing more of what works and less of what doesn’t. As NetSuite is cloud based, you’ll have more budget to put into just that, rather than squandering it on maintenance fees that help the vendor’s business grow, rather than yours.

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